The Way.

It is the manner in which we make sense of something, our justification. Like a dog peeing on the floor because they had to go to the bathroom and the door not being open to the outside, it is their nature to pee when they have to go. This nature, or natural event, is what leads to a puddle of pee. Pee, I have to clean, interfering with my time, thus putting my mind in a rush, for I had to clean when I didn't plan, and then looking at the time, seeing I was behind, getting the red lights on the way to work, getting to work late, sitting to a computer with a mind in a tizzy. Maybe that is what it takes for the perfect scenario of infiltration, a message as clear as a bell only to be heard in that mindset, one that teaches a life lesson. Whereas without the event, the dog doing what it does, I might not have been in that state of mind to get the message.

It's too easy to make sense of an event as "coincidence" or "chaos" when in reality it was all part of a plan.

"Ah, Luke that too is an easy way out."

Both ideas concluding without much thought the reality that is what we live in. For me, my way, the spiritual background in which I was raised, and then the counseling instruction to reflect and look back to make sense of life events to better understand them and their influence and forming of my beliefs now, all led to the moment of perfect, openness, frustration, humility that was a message read after a rushed morning.

The first idea, "coincidence," well, that is the theory of evolution, no? WE are all spiritless, and wobbling around the world, no direct connection or ties, or have I misunderstood the evolution theory where from Amoebas and a lightning flash or whatever, we formed this intricate mass of souls? With this theory as the filter, am I to then agree that our souls, this longing to be loved, is nothing but primal desire to pro-create? For now in life I have made a child through this act of procreation and still, I long for love. I long for companionship and fellowship. For recognition from something higher because the love offered by this world does not seem adequate. Is this just coincidence, that we all have this same feeling?

Is it a coincidence that I met my wife or you met your own significant other when you did? Have you looked back on the specifically timed events that led to where and how you met. Do you ever realize there is always a funny story to that, nothing mechanical, but some king of "happenstance" or conditions that were just right for you two to meet? All roads lead to now and yours was not just an accident or chance, but a plan, put in place before you, the earth, the Universe, was ever born. How could this idea alone not be satisfying to those who crave attention and love? To absorb the idea that when it comes to God, it is in fact, all about you. How could the idea that is a plan by the Creator of the world, driven by the freewill He gave us, not be even a minute morsel of satisfaction when we get right down to it? Are we so stubborn in what we do that we, even with the happenstances in our own life, still hold true to evolution's principals that all things can be measure through a random act like cells, life, and electricity? That we can choose and control everything about our life and if anything negative happens it is the fault of something, someone else's will, not a plan for anything greater?

(Sips coffee)

Is my mind so easy to give logical meaning to unmeasurable events that I relate anything to a mission or a purpose? That sip of coffee was bitter, it is cheap coffee, it has been sitting next to me for some time, it is not refreshing, nor is it even hot. It is not in the "good" category, yet, I drink. I drink that because it is cheaper but similar effect as more expensive coffee, cheaper is good because it can save dollars, dollars that are to be used elsewhere, the cheapness brought on by a Costco membership paid for by my mother and therefore we use it to buy in bulk, bulk that saves money, money to be appreciated as a tool when there is less available, troubles that have to be dealt with because money cannot solve, a mindset that we have to face problems, not cover or distract, a lesson for our daughter, a lesson brought on by having less money from having a kid, and realizing the luxuries my wife and I could give up, again reinforcing principals of value and sacrifice and the unfair world perspective.

Is all of that giving value to a moral growth and a formation of self through life's circumstances brought on by previous choices and two minds (my wife and I's) background that just so happens to be similar in structure and willingness, all of it just due to an evolutionary change in cells?

That, my friends, is ridiculous. Simply put. We do not "attach meaning" to things, but the things have meaning, a purpose in our life and to see that, reduces the pain, the suffering, for things aren't just magically happening to you by chance, but this situation, right now, whatever it is, is necessary to form the person you were meant to be.

We are not made from monkeys and we were not put here by some sort of magic or spark billions of years ago, that is a fun story that man likes to rest its laurels because God-forbid we are judged for our acts, but it isn't true and thus causes pain when it is internalized.

Your life has a plan, your situations allow for that plan to take shape. Do not get in the way of a miracle by trying to side-step pain or distract from confrontation, instead, look up, out of here, and realize the truth, God loves us.
And have you completely forgotten this word of encouragement that addresses you as a father addresses his son? It says, 
“My son, do not make light of the Lord’s discipline,    and do not lose heart when he rebukes you,  
6 because the Lord disciplines the one he loves,    and he chastens everyone he accepts as his son.” 
Endure hardship as discipline; God is treating you as his children. For what children are not disciplined by their father?  
If you are not disciplined—and everyone undergoes discipline—then you are not legitimate, not true sons and daughters at all. 
- Hebrews 12:5-8
God Bless.


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