
Having no responsibilities means that we could essentially do whatever we want. If we had no job, no children, no bills to pay, what a glorious day, yes? I assume the thought brings fear, as it should. If we have no responsibilities, we are then not responsible, or no longer important. Lacking importance is something man is not familiar with, after all, psychology justifies that we are all the authors of our own stories and everything we view in the world, is through our lens, or how it affects us. Yes, we are the first thought and we fear that we will come across in this selfish way. However, in our actions, rather than words, walk rather than talk, we do what we claim we don't do. Phrases, like, "I'm just saying," or, "I don't mean to sound like a jerk but..." are part of our everyday language to justify and relate to the people we are talking with. However, typically the people we are talking with by the point we choose to use those justifying phr...