What I used to see. "Dude, you're a big guy." A passer-by at the gym, a man whom I've never seen before. Thanks, but you've got no idea what goes on in my head . My thoughts resonate into, "Thanks man." A reluctant response these days. "Yea but when I was your age, I was like twice your size." His response. ...and there it is. What you see is not what you get, not when it comes to how a person looks anyways. Quite honestly, this goes deeper, but I want to stay here for a moment. I want to stay on the surface, the cover of the book, what we see other people as. I am reminded occasionally by my daughter, who appears to view her cousins, who happen to be identical twins, as two completely different people. The adults stammer about as these girls must cater to us when we get the name wrong, as though each day we have to be reintroduced. My daughter is given a gift to give to one, the adults cross their fingers as she starts walking to...