Hungry 2.0
What’s the best way to determine if you’re hungry? That’s right, being born into another body with an alternative mind, one that knows when to eat and has not yet been tained by the highly processed, stimulation provided by the entertainment-driven society we live in and adapted the priority of food as this "comfort" as you may have done, subconsciously of course. That, my friends, is one way to guarantee that you will now only eat when truly necessary. If you are unwilling to do a Black Mirrors act, thus being a new, improved version with some twist of a consequence, then I suggest eating foods that are actually used for their intent. If eating for entertainment then you will choose entertaining foods. If you are eating for hunger, then foods that actually satisfy hunger, what the body requires at the time in the amount it needs at the time, will be what is desired. Now, this can be as specific or general as you want, but essentially, you want one-ingredient foods, f...