Deep Breath.
It is neither here, nor there. It is not found in any THING . It is not in addition to, nor removal of. Contentment is a baseline of acceptance of place in life. Place being physically, the state, or mentally. To be is just that. To find it is a lot harder trying to explain than something a person can add or takeaway from their life. To feel the BEING, is a gift, one that is no better or worse than anything else, nor can be bragged as such. This vague cloud of abstract words, with their pompous sentence structure, is all indicative of a concept people miss on a daily basis. That which lies right ion front of us, yet me misdirect energies to try and capture it through misguided means. This, as evident by desires and dissatisfaction when those desires are not met. For contentment is to me, the most ideal state of mind, and what I fathom Heaven to be like. I feel like we get glimpses of the afterlife sometimes here on earth. Maybe an early morning writing session, where it is n...