Shark Attack! (or just inadequacy played out)

Like a piece of meat in a pool of sharks. Nashing, bodying, pushing, insufficient altruism, yet no contempt, simply survival. The human male is worse, for we have the knowhow, the insight, to know that when we harm or bully another for something they have or a resource we all want, it can get personal. Sorry Larry. This one's mine. Like a girl in the gym, sports bra, toned midsection, tight, trendy yoga pants accenting all features of self, men clamoring, trying to vie for the affection, but attention will suffice. Every man has their reason, some for lust, strictly sexual, others for attention, for if this apparently confident and attractive girl is interested in me, she might fulfill what I don’t see in myself. Other men want to show for other men and be the dominant one, the one to gain the attention of the quietly-agreed upon head lioness. The difference between Animal Planet and the Real World, is intent. Man’s intent is not to merely mate, despite the argument ...