What is the one thing we all have, varies amongst us, and difficult to assess in isolated events? Our presentation is assumed to be based on our thoughts, desires, emotions, authentically being represented by our external actions. This assumption causes problems when trying to understand other people, or in many cases, strife in relationships. If you are the person who when they feel sad, they express sad, feel happy, express joy, or feel hungry, eat, then good for you, this isn't about you, but maybe about someone you know. Temperament is our overall nature, in relation to how it affects our behavior. For instance, think of your boss. Think of how they are on a general basis. Are they calm, do they seem silly, are they angry, aggressive, negative? What one word would you pick out to generalize this person? What about your mom? What about your spouse? What one word would you use to describe their behaviors? Now, some of us might look at behaviors as something that a person does...