
Showing posts from January 7, 2018


What is the one thing we all have, varies amongst us, and difficult to assess in isolated events? Our presentation is assumed to be based on our thoughts, desires, emotions, authentically being represented by our external actions. This assumption causes problems when trying to understand other people, or in many cases, strife in relationships. If you are the person who when they feel sad, they express sad, feel happy, express joy, or feel hungry, eat, then good for you, this isn't about you, but maybe about someone you know. Temperament is our overall nature, in relation to how it affects our behavior. For instance, think of your boss. Think of how they are on a general basis. Are they calm, do they seem silly, are they angry, aggressive, negative? What one word would you pick out to generalize this person? What about your mom? What about your spouse? What one word would you use to describe their behaviors? Now, some of us might look at behaviors as something that a person does...

Love Thy Neighbor.

“Damnit!” This as my U-Haul truck crunches into the front cover of the turn signal on the industrial work van.  “Go figure.” I say to myself, working on my cussing.  Panic now starts to wash over me, as this once arrogant handing of a 25 foot U-Haul is sandwiched between two work vans, one of which has been damaged. As I continue to pull forward, I look in the oversized, and rusty-rimmed side mirror to see, in fact, that the U-Haul is going to continue to scrape where the light protector used to be no matter which direction I go.  Old physics lessons play in my head, trajectory and all that, stuff I can only recall learning about while playing pool, more than any class. OK, if I turn the wheel this way, I can alter the trajectory of the back end, CRUUNCH, OK, that actually did the opposite. Now I will turn the other way.  SCCCRAAAPPPE. Ah, now I am into a tree on the other side of the bottleneck to the cul- de- sack. OK, OK, now if I drive a little...

The World's Greatest Drug.

A “drug” is identified as, “ any substance that, when inhaled, injected, smoked, consumed, absorbed via a patch on the skin, or dissolved under the tongue causes a temporary physiological change in the body.” A Wikipedia reference, for I have my own opinions as to how the confines of definition discounts many other more potent agonists of chemical release.  Drugs get a bad rap overall. They are painted as either lacing the street corner with poverty and bad decisions, or the corrupt doctor that over prescribes to subdue over-whiny patients. Yet, they can be Great again, as they once were. We must remember that over exposure and over reliance on things tends to corrupt their appeal, when in reality, they are very much necessary. After all, the same drugs that one can abuse in a basement one can get in a hospital to help tolerate pain or allow a delicate surgical procedure to occur without interference. Other drugs relax and calm when otherwise the sufferer might react and harm...