
Infidel- as a noun, a person who does not believe in religion or who adheres to a religion other than one's own. I don't get it. As I sat in the court room, looking at the judge, prosecutor, county attorney. I couldn't understand the "vibe" I was feeling in relation to the well being, of a convicted man. When one gets a taste of the privilege, of a situation they think ought to be more prestigious, more enlightened than their own, there is no place left to go with expectations, but a crashing downward spiral as reality rears its ugly head. "Well, we could discuss the instance where the guy said...." I cannot give details, for these conversations were something, "privileged" however, the depth of text was lacking. The feast turned into a Country Buffet line of which there was no meat, only a plethora of cheap breads, followed by frozen, sweetened-milk, (definitely not ice-cream) for dessert. I expected to come into this back court...