Recognition- 1. the action or process of recognizing or being recognized, in particular. Or, as a move towards favoritism, or to alleviate guilt, one can recognize another. To recognize initially meant to indicate someone did something outstanding, recognizable more than others, a contributor to the cause. Now, nothing more than a way to justify an organization or purpose, without carrying the weight being "recognized" once held. Now it is a sham of which the receiver is supposed to gain enough. something, to shut them up, have others strive for it, and the organization look good because they, “recognized” or are the “organization willing to give X amount of effort to some cause." Cynic? Look past who gets recognized and the upward to the organization getting the recognition. What are they getting out of it? Something I ensure you. At a job I held for a Medicaid insurance company, it was favorable to give three recognitions per month, almost a mand...