
Showing posts from February 27, 2018


A warrior? Not with these pink headphones, I took them from my wife.  The safety of steel, the warmth of artificial heat, the comfort of familiarity, the thrill of competition. The sanctuary for all those who are lost, and the temple other can go to to build their bodies into gods and goddess. The woman at the front entrance, she allows the chosen ones to enter, keeping out those less-fortunate, the ones who are on the outside of this club, these steel, shed walls, not allowed to share in this warmth, in these moments of mental anguish and battle. All ages, all types of people, all walks, social placement, all allowed to walk amongst one another as long as they abide by the laws set forth of the club's owner. Though this monarchy has its ruler, it also has its warriors, and here, amongst the people, they seem to take charge, holding the ability to raise the people on their shoulders, only to be the ones raised up in the minds of the congregation, or at least that is what the...

The Best You've Ever Had.

You fired them, or they moved on, or they were cut due to budget restrictions, or maybe you saw the potential that you could not contain and therefore let them fly, a noble ending to a company admitting they cannot supply what the person needs.   The qualities of an ideal employee, not as easy as determining who is the hardest worker, but in the subtleties of the person. First, the person whom you might see working late, seems well-liked, appears to have all the answers, never appears out of sorts; on paper, and in interview, this may appear to be THE person, but they aren’t. They are most likely the same person you will grow to dislike or form some sort of disconnect with over time with. They aren’t real enough, they appear to be balanced, and you can’t quite put your finger on it, but something is just enough "off," but yet identifiable to the point, an employer might think its them.  It isn’t.  Its that employee, to no fault of their own mind you. The pe...