
A warrior? Not with these pink headphones,
I took them from my wife. 
The safety of steel, the warmth of artificial heat, the comfort of familiarity, the thrill of competition. The sanctuary for all those who are lost, and the temple other can go to to build their bodies into gods and goddess. The woman at the front entrance, she allows the chosen ones to enter, keeping out those less-fortunate, the ones who are on the outside of this club, these steel, shed walls, not allowed to share in this warmth, in these moments of mental anguish and battle.

All ages, all types of people, all walks, social placement, all allowed to walk amongst one another as long as they abide by the laws set forth of the club's owner. Though this monarchy has its ruler, it also has its warriors, and here, amongst the people, they seem to take charge, holding the ability to raise the people on their shoulders, only to be the ones raised up in the minds of the congregation, or at least that is what the warriors, the big men, the ones who dedicate their lives to this place think. 


The bubble of romanticism is thin and therefore it does not take much to burst. It only take a small reminder that the walls are in fact made of sheet metal and the large heaters above, make this place a gym and not a barn. The others, the "chosen" ones can really be anyone willing to spend $29.99 for their monthly membership. Here at 4:30 there are young, old, and in-betweeners all together for what is their version of self-maintenance. Some are here just to say they tried, others are engaged in an internal battle of strength and discipline, reading plans, following nutritional assignments from home, dedicating resources on the "betterment" of themselves. 
The tools of pre-battle. 

For some, this place adds a negative, therefore takes from the available resources within, and having other, once-stronger qualities die out, unable to breathe due to lack of necessary nutrients at the time. Some people, absorb this place and allow it to consume them as though it is their battle ground, their place of competition, as well as their temple of saving. We are not praying to gods or sacrificing animals, but ourselves in both instances. We sacrifice our time, our energy, our early mornings where we have been told the value of sleep repeatedly to come here, to do this, for some, to be somebody. 

Ah, there it is now, "to be somebody," for not all are this way, some of these warriors are here to be here, to compete and leave it alone. Others, know their obsession with a "better" version as defined by the muscular arms, the posed selfies, and the need to have a leaner midsection. I know these ones, these people gasping for social air, these people needing to see improvements, grasping to it like it will finally be the thing that saves them, gives life purpose. 

No, that bubble has popped, for this place, as magnificent as it is, will not save a person in health, nor in their mind. "saving," is up to what the person is willing to do, and willingness is not what is in control when you take into your own hands what you think is best. This place, these walls, are not what gives your life value, but rather, you give your value to it, and in some cases let it consume you, become you. The people you are around, the social construct, the lusting after one another in what appears to be hyper-sexualized situations, all here, inside these walls, waiting for you to enter and allow it to enter you. 
Pictures reveal just a man, in the mind, a battle ensues,
a war between himself and what he thinks others think. Nobody wins here. 
Find what it is in life that gives you purpose, and allow the gym to contribute to that ultimate goal. This is not a story for everyone, but some, who know who they are, struggling with balance, self-esteem, even a "lean" physique, will not find it at the gym, but rather in their own ability to accept that we are not in control as much as we want to believe we are, and sometimes we do have to take a backseat to a "higher power" allowing our wills to be altered and our purpose to change. 

I forced my identity and value for so long that I struggled, still today, to find that balance. The gym never saved me, "eating right" never saved me, what saved me was the pain outside of the gym, the arena of the mind to experience the pain I was putting off of an inadequate self looking to add value because I wasn't enough, I had to built and find identity.

My story Here. 

God Bless. 


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