
Showing posts from August 19, 2018


The connection here should be fairly obvious, the message rather clear, however the end game, the product developed in each mind that reads it, may require some adaptation. The innate ability for each person to first, see something that intrigues, click on the link, read the material, and internalize a message says more about what a person was looking for than the answer they found. If I am looking for something to reinforce a bad day, anything can provide the ammo. If I am looking for something to bring me joy, then I can choose to find joy in even the most mundane. If I want to eat something sweet, then, I can determine it to be sweet or not. Try out, "the baby diet," where we eat only what th body knows it needs. Nothing more, nothing less, just enough, and the right stuff. Disclosure: I made that "baby diet" up. Yes, "determine something to be sweet or not," probably something starting to sound a bit heady, but one must consider what sweetness i...