What's the Point? (runners edition)
A marathon started as a commemoration of the run made by Pheidippides , a messenger from the Battle of Marathon to Athens, who reported the victory. It became an Olympic event in 1896 and now there are many races held across the world, yearly. The total marathon is 26.219 miles and for more people to experience the running atmosphere, there is also a version of half that. Here in Lincoln, Ne that version of the fabled run is highly adapted. Why are we all running though? Why do we all gather, wait in line, pay $60, dedicate almost our entire weekend, to run 13.1 miles? The common sense here escapes a logical man. If someone wants to go run 13.1 miles, or 15 miles, or the whole 26.2, then they are free to do so whenever they want, without paying and everything. In fact, with social media and Bluetooth devices hooking us up more than a cardiac patient at a hospital, we can even display our achievements to thousands of people online. Again, all logic point...