
Showing posts from May 15, 2018

This is Body Image Disorder...

Slavery as we now know it now is passive in nature. It exists, of course it exists, because, well, one man pressing power on another is exactly what we are good at. Animals have power over other animals as Bees give us an example of what their bidding to the Queen, and ultimately to the hive, costs the workers. Predatory animals who hunt in packs, have a leader and natural submission to this leader exists, again, bidding to them as their needs met first, for the sake of the pack of course. Humans though, we are a different breed, our slavery, our control over another man is more malicious, more intentful to reduce a human being down to a tool, a piece of equipment unworthy of human rights. This is the premise set, one that through a few generation shifts is a foundation for underlying resentment and disgust on both ends. One group is grown from oppression and the other group is used to being superior, and as timelines grow closer toward each other, the once-superior group fe...