The Way.

It is the manner in which we make sense of something, our justification. Like a dog peeing on the floor because they had to go to the bathroom and the door not being open to the outside, it is their nature to pee when they have to go. This nature, or natural event, is what leads to a puddle of pee. Pee, I have to clean, interfering with my time, thus putting my mind in a rush, for I had to clean when I didn't plan, and then looking at the time, seeing I was behind, getting the red lights on the way to work, getting to work late, sitting to a computer with a mind in a tizzy. Maybe that is what it takes for the perfect scenario of infiltration, a message as clear as a bell only to be heard in that mindset, one that teaches a life lesson. Whereas without the event, the dog doing what it does, I might not have been in that state of mind to get the message. It's too easy to make sense of an event as "coincidence" or "chaos" when in reality it was all part of ...