Loss of Assets.

What do you gain from this one? What do you gain from the loss of the most valuable thing in your life? What do we gain but a shorter rope to death, a day nearer to the end of this human condition. Yes, the treatments are many, for we can eat these foods, increase workouts, decrease stress, have more sex, take these pills, however the end result is still the same, a failed attempt to extend both guanitity and quality of time. What one does with their time here is indiciative of the value they find in life. That thing that you never get back, there is no receipt, no court case that can demand large amounts of it in return for malpractice. There is no guarantee that you will get any more from the doing the aforementioned things. The things that you might not even want to do, but were instructed to. For me, consuming, “heatlhy” foods does nothing more than assist in control of my eating, reducing impulsive and craving driven behaviors. I cannot eat the highly processed, nutrie...