Don't Eat That.
In a former life, telling people what to do, or not to do, wasn't the question, however it was who they gave credit to which meant more. I was consumed by being the one to help, with the right answers, for it is what I needed and was the THING that drove me to be the guy you would go to for those answers. I would read material, the argument to that material, and worse of all, I would find "sales tactics" to entice people that I was the ONE and not "THAT OTHER PLACE." "The other place," was anyone, anywhere, that wasn't me, for I was the one who could present the material in THAT unique way, so therefore if you didn't get the results, I was hurt, worthless, for nobody should ever talk to me again. If you can relate to this mindset, I thank you, and hopefully you are willing, at least in secret, to admit these thoughts, for they do not sound good when they come out. The reason I write them, again, is validation, and to let people in on a few...