Miracle Diet.

When we feel intent, we act on it. We experience this burst of motivation and immediately justify doing, even if that, "doing" is denying. The brain's synapses firing at an incredible rate as the miraculous explosion within one's own head erupts with an abundance of wealth, too much to handle, too complex to put into words. We are living in the afterglow of miraculous explosions everyday. Thoughts, ideas, judgments, perspectives, insight, all a perfectly-timed occurrence, starting from the low odds of you being made in the first place, the entire existence you've lived, every rock you've stepped on, bowl of ice cream you've eaten, the last morsel to the first, every minute detail perfectly timed to bring you to a moment of thought, a random occurrence, uncoordinated by man, millions of times a day. Whoo boy! Yes, it is very supernatural isn't it? We are in fact miracles, are we not? Nobody willed us to be here, for even if our parents claimed t...