Miracle Diet.

When we feel intent, we act on it. We experience this burst of motivation and immediately justify doing, even if that, "doing" is denying. The brain's synapses firing at an incredible rate as the miraculous explosion within one's own head erupts with an abundance of wealth, too much to handle, too complex to put into words. We are living in the afterglow of miraculous explosions everyday. Thoughts, ideas, judgments, perspectives, insight, all a perfectly-timed occurrence, starting from the low odds of you being made in the first place, the entire existence you've lived, every rock you've stepped on, bowl of ice cream you've eaten, the last morsel to the first, every minute detail perfectly timed to bring you to a moment of thought, a random occurrence, uncoordinated by man, millions of times a day.
Whoo boy!

Yes, it is very supernatural isn't it? We are in fact miracles, are we not? Nobody willed us to be here, for even if our parents claimed they "tried" in making us, their attempts were that of throwing balls in the air with hopes one would land on a dog they never owned. We are supposed to be here, where that is, at this moment is very miraculous and beautiful at the same time. The thoughts we have, ideas, plans, are to be appreciated, reminders of the brain's complex capabilities and yet we damn these thoughts at times. 

Embracing that which makes us unique means embracing a miracle, everyday. Isn't it almost odd that we have a base for who we are? Doesn't it ever seem peculiar that we are consistent in mannerisms, actions, judgments, etc.? Why would we not just wake up one day completely different than another? Why would we not just be a "better" person when we wanted? Why not be a "worse" one either? What keeps us afloat? Our wills? No, that can't be it, for "will" faults us constantly. Go ahead, don't eat the donut. 

The miracle here isn't just in the fact we are here, but in every moment, interaction, every performance, for everything has to be a coordinated occurrence of factors too numerous to name. When we allow ourselves a second to call to recognition the simple fact that we exist, we can no longer remain complacent in what we do. 

The danger is that once your brain's awareness of thoughts kicks in, it can no longer claim ignorance. The brain cannot merely, "forget" what we want it to at times, nor can we "go back" to the innocence of childhood. We are growing, everyday, and yet, we pretend we aren't. We do the same things repeatedly, for what reason other than to keep the same previously pleasurable things in order. Change is scary, because the mind doesn't know what a change means, yet wouldn't it be scarier to deny the brains ability to grow and stay dying in a state of once contentment, now stagnant? Does the sitting water in the hot sun not breed insects and filth? 

Our abilities as humans are endless, yet feelings of fear keep us here, scared to grow. It isn't any reality we fear, but another miracle of possibility of the future based on calculation from past incidents. Past incidents that may be nothing more than foresight from poor examples. Nothing stops us more than ourselves, no matter how rational the thought is, it is derived from an underlying, something that we stay tethered to the same thing. 

Success doesn't seem possible to many when they get right down to it. Instead, I believe many people, through their sense of life see themselves as failures. Failures that cannot ask for more then they have, failures that deny their own gifts, that act as they did at 20 at 40 at 60 and then complain about death. With death being an inevitable thing, do we truly have anything to lose? Do we not take a step back, look at what we do and ask why? 

Fear grips me as I write the words, for I am fully aware that to write means to do, to support means to follow through. Nobody can deny fear, yet isn't this too a "feeling" that inevitably passes like a cool breeze? Still, the thought of possibility wakes me up at night, not through success in a financial sense, as the world's desire for complacency has taught me throughout childhood and beyond, but in the accomplishment for growth, to detangle a mess that is actually pretty easy to straighten out. 

There is no prominent thing here, for the miracle has already occurred. The fact that you read these words and maybe allowed the brain to wander into a state of possibility. Though the fear kicked in and stopped thoughts from being too concrete, you cannot deny what you felt, experienced. Expand on that feeling, see what it is that you could do, that yearning inside of you, try it out, you've got the answers, for idle hands are the devils playthings, yet we remain complacent, stagnant, scared to grow, this would seem to me to be a way to keep us idle. 

Castle-Broken: When appearances are everything, is a book I wrote about male body image disorders, and my obsession with a muscular, ideal physique. It was my own way of staying ignorant and grounded, consumed in my own dying body's appearance. Click Here. 

God Bless. 


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