I shouldn't be able to write and publish these words. Honestly, they are more clatter to an already loud world. Noise or noisy by the very context is contributing to the pollution of the environment. Even words that are meant to be read, not spoken cause noise. I saw the news report, I see the words float across the screen while in a public area, all the while listening to my own music. Yet, these quiet words have never been so loud. Trust is a concept that people take for granted. We trust without acknowledging it. We don't always take a bold stance when we trust, but by trusting, we are being bold. When someone gives us information and we are to trust them as a source, internalize the message, and then live with those words in our mind, there is no greater stance, no more boldness than the trust we give the source. Unfortunately, that trust that tends to come naturally, or found in nature, may not be trustworthy. Maybe Lisa is a gossiper, a liar, a manipulator of truths. ...