
I shouldn't be able to write and publish these words. Honestly, they are more clatter to an already loud world.

Noise or noisy by the very context is contributing to the pollution of the environment. Even words that are meant to be read, not spoken cause noise. I saw the news report, I see the words float across the screen while in a public area, all the while listening to my own music. Yet, these quiet words have never been so loud.

Trust is a concept that people take for granted. We trust without acknowledging it. We don't always take a bold stance when we trust, but by trusting, we are being bold. When someone gives us information and we are to trust them as a source, internalize the message, and then live with those words in our mind, there is no greater stance, no more boldness than the trust we give the source. Unfortunately, that trust that tends to come naturally, or found in nature, may not be trustworthy. Maybe Lisa is a gossiper, a liar, a manipulator of truths. Maybe the news report we read is the same? After all, what really is a lie, and who and what determines what a lie is does not seem to be widely accepted in our world.

If you say that this person is a liar, and I disagree, maybe the masses agree with you, and therefore I get cast out. What if by my interpretation I, nor you, are technically wrong, yet I am deemed wrong because of the manipulation of mass waves of people therefore suppressing the other's perspective?

We are confusing one another with our half or 3/4 truths. We are giving just enough facts or rather, facts with a slight twist to make things a problem. CNN, Fox News, MSNBC, I don't know who else, and I really don't care. Honestly, again, words from an uneducated man here, words I shouldn't be allowed to put other there further muddying the waters, these words that we are fed but the media outlets we trust to give us facts, they are leading us astray and we are eating it up.

Conversations, arguments, physical alterations are occurring because we are defending the information given to us about our president or how America handled some conflict, or how a school shooting provoked a talk on guns and regulations, all from a political system made with many people, not all, whom are speaking a different language than the rest of us assume they are. Many of us still hold that a man is as good as his word, where others hold tight to do whatever we can to get our needs met. Again, English is the language here in America, but the words coming out, no longer representative of the thoughts had by those speaking.

We call misrepresentation of thoughts, "ulterior motives."

We hold to the words given to us by those we may have elected in one way or another, either by views or by votes, and we depend on their truths still clinging to the idea that, all those people can't be wrong, can they?
The LORD tests the righteous and the wicked; His soul hates the lover of violence.
-Psalm 11:5 
Sometimes I can't help but wonder if people want information, or they want to be told how to feel to be accepted. When a topic comes up, what do people do but go to social media, hopefully the people we choose to follow agree with us, so we get reinforcement, rather than an opposition resulting ion social castration. Some people need to be told what to believe because they lack the self-assurance to take a stand. How does one feel about something, well, um, the news will tell you how, or your social media feed will inform you, or that neighbor who does speak will say it.

Wherever we get our information, we need to just get the information. The way we feel about it, is allowed to be felt, because I would venture to guess that the truth lies within all of us, if we just listen. Many people spend time denying truths, only to die of stress. Many people suppress truth through more distraction, only to live a horrid life. Many people fight depression or anxiety through other ways of the world or by the advice of people they thought they could trust, yet the ulterior motive kicks in and their intent was to gain, yours was to feel better, and yet we trust them to assist us?

Truth stands throughout time. A lie, cannot be fully digested, for if it is, then people will discover the most obvious thing in this human life, man falls short, extremely short. However, we want to give credit otherwise.

Trust how you feel. Make sure you take all the information you receive in a day with a grain of salt, and understand your principals and use them in every day.
O Lord, confuse and confound their speech, for I see violence and strife in the city.
- Psalm 55:9 
God Bless. 


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