All or......
Nothing. An absolute void of thing. (my definition). A thing- person, place, idea even, despite an idea being immeasurable, evening in the behavior being reported from the idea, I cannot "fake" an idea, because the mere mention, or the ability of the mind to grasp and even mimic the idea, therefore makes it real. So, nothing, as it is, void, has to be in relation to something. For example, today as of 10-13-2018, the Nebraska Cornhuskers have nothing in their win column. They have nothing, for there is something that it is in relation to. Nothing, compared to something. It doesn't have to be perfect. Someone in America says, "I have nothing to eat," more likely than not, "nothing" is in comparison to some idea of "something else." Unsure of what that is. When we think in terms of all (which is a whole other concept itself) or nothing, we tend to get into trouble. For instance, if I am trying to do something great, let's say, rig...