The Controversy of Memory.
"Making memories!" We say as we are in the moment. As though we are referring to the current moment, in the future. Looking back at that moment, remembering the moment we are still creating. The moment that may now be tainted with our mindless actions is what we will alter, slightly, to ensure that we in fact, had a good time. "This is fun!" "We are having such a good time!" "Wow, this will be the Christmas we remember for years!" Sorry, the last one a subconscious stab with the snowy weather here lately. A friendly reminder that nostalgia can creep in when we least expect it, and leave in it's wake a reminder that we don't really know what is best until after wards, if ever. "I'll pray for you." What people say to one another, the meaning, questionable. The motive of prayer is each individual's own, however, one that may fall on deaf ears if an unsaved friend is doing it. For Jesus will look our friend ...