The Controversy of Memory.
"Making memories!"
We say as we are in the moment. As though we are referring to the current moment, in the future. Looking back at that moment, remembering the moment we are still creating. The moment that may now be tainted with our mindless actions is what we will alter, slightly, to ensure that we in fact, had a good time.
"This is fun!"
"We are having such a good time!"
"Wow, this will be the Christmas we remember for years!"
Sorry, the last one a subconscious stab with the snowy weather here lately. A friendly reminder that nostalgia can creep in when we least expect it, and leave in it's wake a reminder that we don't really know what is best until after wards, if ever.
"I'll pray for you." What people say to one another, the meaning, questionable.
The motive of prayer is each individual's own, however, one that may fall on deaf ears if an unsaved friend is doing it. For Jesus will look our friend who prays or even acknowledges the power of prayer and say, "Then I will tell them plainly, I never knew you; away from me evildoers." Matthew 7:23. The last verse in reference to proclaiming Jesus name, in this context praying for another, all the while not accepting Christ as their own. Therefore the prayer, again, hollow, the outward perception noble. A reminder that this world and the next, very far apart in standards.
"I prayed for you." from a Christ-follower, could be a sentence you never asked for. For what one gets when another prayers may not be anything the person wanted, but what they needed.
"Jesus help them through this tough time." Why, for them to "feel better?" Maybe, "feeling better" isn't what a person needs, but they need more conviction, more tough times, more loss, only to then realize that they have gone awry. After all, when one goes off the course, makes decisions that are not very good, and we pray for them for, "help" isn't that what God is already doing by allowing nature to do its thing, and allowing consequences to erupt.
"Help" is not always being pulled out of the burning building, especially if the family is dead and a stage four cancer lingers unidentified. Then where is the help? Is the help not found in the comfort of death, to not only strive through the pain of loss, but to them have to work to live?
It is all only morbid if you look through the lens of this world. If the most noble thing we can do is to "make memories." When we recognize that much of what we think we remember isn't real, or slightly skewed, or we didn't appreciate in the time, or worse, we just make it up to sound like everybody else.
When it comes to truth, it can hurt, but not with intent to do so. Truth is not malicious, there is no bias, and if it hurts it is because we are looking at it wrong, or we have done something to cause it to.
Castle-Broken: When appearances are everything was not my most spiritual time, and therefore ended up being some of my most punished. Now, I can look back on the pain and remember, "oh yea, that sucked." For those who are interested, the book on body image disorders is available HERE.
God Bless.
We say as we are in the moment. As though we are referring to the current moment, in the future. Looking back at that moment, remembering the moment we are still creating. The moment that may now be tainted with our mindless actions is what we will alter, slightly, to ensure that we in fact, had a good time.
"This is fun!"
"We are having such a good time!"
"Wow, this will be the Christmas we remember for years!"
Sorry, the last one a subconscious stab with the snowy weather here lately. A friendly reminder that nostalgia can creep in when we least expect it, and leave in it's wake a reminder that we don't really know what is best until after wards, if ever.
"I'll pray for you." What people say to one another, the meaning, questionable.
The motive of prayer is each individual's own, however, one that may fall on deaf ears if an unsaved friend is doing it. For Jesus will look our friend who prays or even acknowledges the power of prayer and say, "Then I will tell them plainly, I never knew you; away from me evildoers." Matthew 7:23. The last verse in reference to proclaiming Jesus name, in this context praying for another, all the while not accepting Christ as their own. Therefore the prayer, again, hollow, the outward perception noble. A reminder that this world and the next, very far apart in standards.
"I prayed for you." from a Christ-follower, could be a sentence you never asked for. For what one gets when another prayers may not be anything the person wanted, but what they needed.
"Jesus help them through this tough time." Why, for them to "feel better?" Maybe, "feeling better" isn't what a person needs, but they need more conviction, more tough times, more loss, only to then realize that they have gone awry. After all, when one goes off the course, makes decisions that are not very good, and we pray for them for, "help" isn't that what God is already doing by allowing nature to do its thing, and allowing consequences to erupt.
"Help" is not always being pulled out of the burning building, especially if the family is dead and a stage four cancer lingers unidentified. Then where is the help? Is the help not found in the comfort of death, to not only strive through the pain of loss, but to them have to work to live?
It is all only morbid if you look through the lens of this world. If the most noble thing we can do is to "make memories." When we recognize that much of what we think we remember isn't real, or slightly skewed, or we didn't appreciate in the time, or worse, we just make it up to sound like everybody else.
When it comes to truth, it can hurt, but not with intent to do so. Truth is not malicious, there is no bias, and if it hurts it is because we are looking at it wrong, or we have done something to cause it to.
Castle-Broken: When appearances are everything was not my most spiritual time, and therefore ended up being some of my most punished. Now, I can look back on the pain and remember, "oh yea, that sucked." For those who are interested, the book on body image disorders is available HERE.
God Bless.
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