Call to Arms.

It's too bad...

When the principals of America, based on Christianity, are now defiled with corruption. There's not even anyone to blame. There is the devil, he finds this stuff all very fascinating. There are people who have inundated the devil in their life, by way of a justified purpose. There are people who continue to remain on the outskirts, not wanting to choose sides. There are the rights the lefts all of which have their flaws, man and sin and all that. It's when we look to the wrong of the other side more than we spend time on promoting our own that I find fascinating.

Offense wins games. To go on the offensive, is to be active in an attempt to score, in an attempt to win of some sort.

Defense protects, tries to stop the other team from scoring.

However, what side is it that continues to devalue the opposing team completely? What game is that where we stand on the sideline, send out a tweet or make a meme not to promote anything, but to defile the other team, making people hate them, not just have a side to choose. For the rest, a show to watch. As either side attacks the character and intent of the other, the bystanders not wanting to get involved because, "this is just crazy."

Maybe the bystanders are on to something? Maybe by observing we can stay outside of the emotionally-charged stabs that tend to occur on both sides. Why, well it makes perfectly logical sense, we get emotional when what we believe in goes under attack. This is the reason we aren't supposed to discuss politics or religion, or in my past experience, food. People do not, and rightfully so, just give-up on what they believe, no matter how much trouble it causes. However, like spinning tires in the mud just digs a deeper hole we tend to lose the point when we get emotional.

To stab, harm, maim is like obvious right? Like when someone calls other people stupid, or when I was growing up, kids would make fun of other kids genital size, getting a laugh, having people think that there is something wrong with you, vicious. However, that isn't the world we live in any more, not the parts that are the most problematic. Instead, things seem to have gotten "viral" and people are allowed to be subtle in their approach to break down the opposition. The approach that finds something wrong, the approach the finds that one person associated with "that side" did this or that, or even now, has been claimed to have done this or that.

Now, this makes the defense more difficult because there is no obvious guy running the ball into the the opposition's end zone, but there is a sneaky play where a sideline player from the opposition calls  a spouse of another team member and tells her, "Your man is cheating." Now she is going to kick him out of the home, something far exceeding the game being played. Or as people payed to slash tires on the visiting teams' cars would have you realize, that by merely watching, you too are now involved.

Believing in God seems to be a casual go-to for Americans. Unless you get someone on some spiritual journey who questions what god is or that nature is god or that there is absolutely nothing, then I'd love to say that's your prerogative, but its not, not if you make it other people's. I can't just watch a boat crash into a dam without attempting to tell you you're headed there. Just like I can't make someone do anything, but I will darn sure try to help. My attempts are more futile than not, but with knowledge comes power, and once that power is accepted, there is no more bystander, not here.
James 3:1-2
Let not many of you become teachers, my brethren, knowing that as such we shall incur a stricter judgment.
The Bible, the book of Christianity, the Book depicting the origin of man, the reason Jesus came and saved us all, and the teachings thereafter, laid out, right there, translated from original texts, highly credentialed, historically accurate, and even science has to admit its place. This book indicates truths that America was originally built on. The truths that founders put their lives on the line to produce. The truths that I believe make America what it is as opposed to every other struggling nation. We have not gotten this way by mere luck, but by sacrifice, recognition of Jesus the Son of God and the principals of his teachings. Recognizing that there is a God and he loves us and we show him love by following the teachings of his Son. This is not what we do, but what has been done for us.

Now, to believe in those principals and follow the Bible, but to do so in a wishy-washy way, like half-follow something you know is wrong, or something the Bible said not to be doing. Principals Jesus himself claimed were unholy, is outright defilement of the precious word of God. Remember, for context, he is the King of the Universe, King of all, he has the power to merely end it all, but chooses not to all because he loves us. We, his children, given the power of free will choose certain paths, certain beliefs, and we live by them, even if they are wrong according to the Law, or the one who produced The Law, God.

Therefore with power comes knowledge and with knowledge one must recognize they can no longer claim ignorance. We here in America at least recognize the Bible's existence and if you are a Christian or a Christ-follower, then you believe what the Bible says, therefore, there is a straight act of defiance, not ignorance that is taking place here, in waves. Movements and actions deemed as righteous and noble by man are like tsunamis in the media and among liberal colleges who demean the conservative view, the strict teachings of God, and instead we continue to be left with more destruction, more vile behavior, more sick, convoluted problems in the world. We are left with pain, suffering, drugs to avoid, loss, loneliness, all of it as a result of us, our choice, even what we deemed as a passive one.

Look, if the Bible says don't do it, we owe it to God who made us not to do it. The specifics on that I will not write here, for they are in there and I am not God, nor anyone of authority, barely capable of writing this. My suggestion, to make life easier is to humbly bow, comply, give in to the authority and let go of the ego. The ego will drag you all the way to death and then drop you off saying here we part and wish you good luck. Make sure that the ego's last sendoff as we edge death is not one of a downward salute, but an upward one, one where we meet our maker and live for eternity in his splendor. This is what is promised to us by believing, asking for forgiveness, and asking for God to come inside of us, for his will to be done.

We aren't doing that great a job with our wills anyway, and quite honestly, if this were a job or a company that was being ran the way we live our Christian lives, it would have been shut down long ago. If you don't believe in God, then ignorance is bliss, or you know there is something a miss, something you find yourself fighting for. If you do believe, but, well, waver on each and every concrete principals the Bible promotes, what gives you the audacity to pick and choose what scripture you follow?

Don't be left behind, don't be wishy-washy, follow the truth given to us, the only thing that ultimately matters. When you wake up one day and realize things are shallow, empty, purposeless, yea, that feeling, take it as a reminder that what you are feeling is the absence of God. A relationship that was always there, you just have to ask.

I do pray for you. I do pray you find God and then obey his teachings. The Bible is littered with people who had every, obvious sign to repent and chose not to, chose to look away, and in the end, and still now, they are paying for it.

I don't know. I guess if I got hit by a car later and died, this would be the last thing I would want people to know. Not for me because I'm nobody and I die, but for you, for people in masses to realize the truth that has been in front of us all along, we just decided to make this life difficult.

I am as guilty as anyone of the wrong in this world, to respond based on emotion, and to put others down to raise my weak self up, but that doesn't mean I can't then pick myself up, dust off, and do the only thing that matters.

Ask for God. He's there. I really don't want this to become some kind of "religious" thing for that is laws and regulation, but this is more than that, deeper than that, and is worth so much more than that. I'm telling you, there is nothing else more worthy of your time, and the thing is, you've known this your whole life, which is why every purchase breaks, fades, ends up in the garbage besides the gift that was given to us since before the earth was.

Thank you.

God Bless.


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