Come With Me (Contentment level: Beginner).

Bzzzzz there is a fly in this room right now. I cannot stand the filth I feel at times when there is a fly in the room. As though he is taunting me with his unnecessary buzz. What is that sound that comes from a housefly anyways? Is it their wings? Do they purposely make that sound to make them even more detestable? They are gross because they start out as maggots, they tend to poop whenever they land, they tend to be around gross things, and like my dog, tend to track in the house what they were recently in. How can I possibly find peace with this? How in the world am I able to dig deep enough to, "just ignore" the fly and continue on with as much contentment as I had before I head the fly's buzzing past my head? I cannot recall how content I was before this. I now realize what I had because it is gone. A tiny fly, his unnecessary noise, and now an interpretation of filth, how would anyone ever, feel content again? Well, I guess, someone could have it worse than the...