In Conclusion...
In conclusion, one has to be stronger than they were before to ensure they do not resume their previously identified, “problematic” behaviors. The end is the beginning. The spoiler alert right up front, a clear message. Just me. I am nothing of significance. This makes me more of a danger than anyone of this weighty expectation, for I have freedom and irrelevance to do and say as I like. I can tell you, that I believe Donald Trump is doing his job, and I believe much of what is happening is a smoke screen for something else. I think that maybe he is doing what he felt like he should do to bring all the little turd pieces to the top of the cream to be scraped off, exposed, dealt with; for underlying issues are still issues. Another thing I stand for is the Bible. I can tell you that what is presented is real and told in the way the Bible depicts it for an eternal purpose, not for an upfront message all the time. I believe the tendencies and storie...