Hungry 2.0
What’s the best way to determine if you’re hungry? That’s right, being born into another body with an alternative mind, one that knows when to eat and has not yet been tained by the highly processed, stimulation provided by the entertainment-driven society we live in and adapted the priority of food as this "comfort" as you may have done, subconsciously of course. That, my friends, is one way to guarantee that you will now only eat when truly necessary. If you are unwilling to do a Black Mirrors act, thus being a new, improved version with some twist of a consequence, then I suggest eating foods that are actually used for their intent. If eating for entertainment then you will choose entertaining foods. If you are eating for hunger, then foods that actually satisfy hunger, what the body requires at the time in the amount it needs at the time, will be what is desired.
Now, this can be as specific or general as you want, but essentially, you want one-ingredient foods, foods that are based in nature, aka plant or animal. The rest of the stuff on the label, or in the package are there to sauce or entice up these food items. You want to gain, not lose when choosing foods with real ingredients. This means avoiding foods like sugars or starches, that actually leach nutrients and provide nothing of value. Avoid man-made oils or oils “purified or refined” by man, and the carbohydrates being as grainy and as thick as possible, if you need them at all. Again, these last few sentences are over analyzed in libraries, however, biggest take-away, don’t let the "entertainment" part of your brain consume the purity that is food.
Now, if hungry, eat. If the actual food sources don’t, “sound good,” then you should lay off the meth because foods don’t talk, or maybe you aren’t really that hungry. If instead you are looking to celebrate, treat, or entertain self with food-like items then be aware of what you are doing and stop pretending that you are actually hungry, when you are in fact, seeking stimulation. Also, stop inviting people out for meals as though it is the only social or entertaining thing you can come up with. Not all-or-nothing, simply find some alternatives in entertainment when looking to be social, or again, trying restriction or better processing of the reason behind reliance on food for an array of emotions.
Now, when it comes to sweets they tend to override the "willpower" that is change and integrate into our desires for more. This response is different and ranges in severity for everyone. if you must have some, then be aware of your response. For me, I eat one and I want it all, so I know that the romanticized idea of having "some" sweets, even justified ones, isn’t a reality for me. I know because I have tried only to fail miserably, over and over and over again. So, I use those experiences to my advantage and instead of pretending or living in another episode of Black Mirrors where I can do this or that like some computer program, I get it, accept it, and live with it, actually thanking it for it stops me from being mindless and having the problems I did as a child.
The next step is critical: Do not overthink this stuff! If you are going to obsess and glorify sweets and desserts and other food-like items, you might as well cave, because that is called, "craving" and it is a miserable state to live in. Instead, do something else, eat something else, and if need be, re-think reasons why you would want to do something so detrimental to yourself when you do KNOW BETTER. Don’t question knowledge with emotional desires, for they will lead you astray every time.
"But Bernice, It's my birthday." -Coworker seeking validation through sharing. |
Now, try out these things, and determine what does or doesn't work for you, that is of course and this isn’t a Black Mirrors episode where I have been uploaded into a computer where I am allowed to give advice. Oh My Goodness, what if I am nothing more than a computer program and the only way I can interact with people is to type these words. If that is the case, can someone download some Pop-Tarts in here, my nostalgia circuit has misfired.
For real though, I had a serious eating disorder growing up and then I got into excessive bodybuilding, so I had problems. For my story, click here.
God Bless.
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