
Having no responsibilities means that we could essentially do whatever we want. If we had no job, no children, no bills to pay, what a glorious day, yes? I assume the thought brings fear, as it should. If we have no responsibilities, we are then not responsible, or no longer important. Lacking importance is something man is not familiar with, after all, psychology justifies that we are all the authors of our own stories and everything we view in the world, is through our lens, or how it affects us.

Yes, we are the first thought and we fear that we will come across in this selfish way. However, in our actions, rather than words, walk rather than talk, we do what we claim we don't do. Phrases, like, "I'm just saying," or, "I don't mean to sound like a jerk but..." are part of our everyday language to justify and relate to the people we are talking with. However, typically the people we are talking with by the point we choose to use those justifying phrases are actually cosigning on our lies, or our, "BS" as a client recently taught me.

Justifying our self through words is something that actually reinforces the poor behavior initially, but also continues to keep a chronic, self-indulged self, focused on self. When someone finally is generous and caring enough, or maybe even trying to be malicious to give us feedback, we should be humbled to accept it, for truth is not biased, it just is. When someone presents what they observe in us we should hear it, not discount it. When we read the Bible and understand the text the best we can and it convicts us, do not turn away, look toward worldly examples to justify you. Do not do anything but listen, read, understand and humble you own hero within that you are not perfect, and you are definitely not God.

The best thing you could do is to listen and fail. I personally have revisited failure in my own life as it is measurable by the world and discovered that failure is in the mind. However, my mind is sick, and so is yours. We internalize this failure in the world as either having to justify ourselves or make excuses as to why..., but in the end we are humiliated that our broken facade was put on display and now we have to face the truth. The truth is, you are nothing.

We are wretches that are told, "Because I can" as the new Diet Coke commercial depicts. Doing what you want, and lacking the responsibilities or accountability to anyone or anything but yourself is selfish and takes rather than gives to others. To think of the self first in all things, might just be your nature, however that "nature" shows us who we truly are, and yet, "I'm just saying," is really just showing your wretched and faulty self.

It's OK. This is why God sent His Son to take that sin away to those who submit to the truth and believe in Jesus the Savior. God is more than reasonable in his understanding of our failings and the devil's influence in our life and yet, we man, are too prideful, too full of ourselves to see the truth. We fail to do even the most minor of things and submit to the fact that we are not God, who even atheists can admit to.

Do not be an ignorant slave to your own faulty ways, submit, repent, the past is forgiven, debt paid. This truth is the only one worth discussing.
"But when the time had fully come, God sent His Son, born of a woman, born under the Law, to redeem those under the Law, that we might receive our adoption as sons." - Galatians 4:5


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