Life, like a line. Going exactly as it should. One thing happening after another, a sequence. In the moment of time we think this is a turning point, where things change, an angle forms in our otherwise linear life. However, life moves as it does, predetermined, hurling toward a final destination. Death is a definition of man's cease to physically exist, however the spirit, our inner-most parts, linger on, furthering this line. Sure, the line that was once two dimensional, like a line graph, is now three-dimensional coming out of the paper and at a person, sure that is difficult for the living in the two dimensions to comprehend, but it is the line that continues, as straight and direct as it ever was.
What we do here, today, this moment, matters. Our thoughts, that spark in the brain scientists have not quite figured out, these things becomes our behaviors, which become actions, and eventually, if not made aware and interrupted, become us. We condition ourselves to the people we are, both despise and love. We become all we have ever longed for and tried to avoid. We have done so by acting, repeatedly, on thoughts. Thoughts that everyone has, everyone experiences the temptation or the idea of some corrupt way to avoid the hard work, get by this time, or avoid the consequence. It is in the nature of humans to avoid pain, it is necessary for the survival of the species, according to those who just love the primal definition of man.
Again, what we do matters, and has implications for all of time. Me, right now, writing words, sitting at a computer screen, typing something, another idea for the mind, to reinforce something good, a realization of positive within. Though I cannot control what others do with the information, what happens is a little kindling gets ignited and you are not the same after as you were before. You have knowledge now. You now realize that those little thoughts you have, they do matter and though we think no one is looking, or no one cares, people only want the results anyway, and the results form from those little secrets inside of us. For these weren't my words in the first place, I am not capable of such thoughts, but it has been through the willingness imposed on me and circumstances I surround myself with, mixed with a catalyst of my experience and my life to develop what you read today.
Everyone has a story and everyone has something to contribute to the conversation. Some write it, some live it, but as long as you are alive, in this world, people will have problems, and you have the choice to either contribute or take. We have the option everyday, with every thought, every minute action as to what we are going to do for another human being. Sure we make excuses to make us feel better, to justify why bad things happen to them and we get good things, but that is self-preservation, man doing what man does. In a complacent act we surround ourselves with support for the same idea. We continue to do what we do, as complacent as an animal, when what I am suggesting is to stop the ignorance and invest in to what we want to see in the world.
We do not invest in a product to see ourselves grow rich, but to see a product grow. I like the writings of C.S. Lewis and I reference him for others to possibly invest. I like good people and who I have the opportunity to meet with them I love to promote them and want others to know they exist, so they can grow, both the person I like and others to hear them, gain the information.
True humility is not thinking less of yourself; it is thinking of yourself less.- C.S. Lewis, Mere Christianity |
We have to realize that what we crave isn't the selfish, self-preserving motive we justify by means of everyone else doing it. We have to realize that we may have made poor decisions. It sucks to admit we made poor decisions, but we all have. We can find strength in our failures. That other people have failed. When we can admit that we need more information and that what we do is selfish, we can START to contribute in ways that we never have before. Not for anything in return, some expectation of self-gain, but for the simple fact that we love people, we care for people, and if it is only through our worst times that remind us of this, but we do not want to see people hurt, for we have felt that enough.
…23In Hades, where he was in torment, he looked up and saw Abraham from afar, with Lazarus by his side. 24So he cried out, ‘Father Abraham, have mercy on meand send Lazarus to dip the tip of his finger in waterand cool my tongue. For I am in agony in this fire.’ 25But Abraham answered, ‘Child, remember that during your lifetime you received your good things, while Lazarus received bad things. But now he is comforted here, while you are left to suffer.…
- Luke 16:23-25
God Bless
I don't know why it was my words chosen to capture a selfish, body obsession, however, I can assume through my experience, my memoir, Castle Broken, available Here, was developed to help someone. Maybe, this book can help open ones eyes.
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