When the Workout isn't Working out.

The title, I feel like I came up with by myself, but there has to have been an idea like this before? Please tell me that someone somewhere has taken a step back, away from the crowds of bootcampers, the various cross-fit exercises, the supplements, the diet, all of it, and ask, why? Not just in why am I doing this, but, more specifically, why this?

Why this workout, why this supplement, why this food? All necessary for an efficient, goal-driven lifestyle. I figure if you are going to take the time to invest in your overall wellness, you must have taken consideration in what kind of wellness? When we went to school, or started a career, did we just say I need a job, and stop there? We may have at first, like eating carrots instead of a Butterfinger or running instead of sitting, but time advances, and so should you.

It's OK to ask questions when it comes to where you choose to spend your time. It is OK to ask why you should be eating certain foods, or less of others. It is OK to leave the gym realizing how much you hate the workout, but want to be healthy. Actually, do you want to be healthy, our do you want to be thin? They are not the same. All questions to ask yourself to gainfully make progress towards an end. If one says they want to be thin, and in really wants to control their eating, that does not make them thin as a result. A continuous evolution of goals exists, the more we learn about ourselves, the more willing we are.

However, sadly, this story has no end. There is no conclusion to any great goal, there is only progress. Humble progress towards a better, more efficient self to who you want to be. There is no one way to do anything, despite what ANYBODY may say, so don't hold yourself to one idea. Don't think, no matter how prestigious someone presents, that what they say is prophetic. Well, there is one book, and even in there, Luke 12:29 says, "And do not be concerned about what you will eat or drink. Do not worry about it.

At the beginning of the day we have enough time for that day alone. There are no deposits, no saves, no way to multiply the time. What you choose to invest your time is determines what you value. If you don't yet know what your health goals are in life, it would be good to sit down with a paper and pen and start jotting down things you want. Ask yourself the critical questions, and get honest with yourself, it is the only way to make progress towards things you really want.

When people say they want to look a certain way, "that's all." I am terribly sorry, but that cannot happen, that is not what our efficient human bodies were meant for. Instead, dig deeper than the look and gain an insight as to what you truly want. Do you want control, are you modeling a life after what you think others want, or is what you are doing now for you? When it comes to your health goals, make sure they contribute to your all around perspective of life. Health, wellness, mental health, career choices, the people we are around, where we spend our time and the efficiency of this time, should all reflect who we are.

Let us not be chameleons who alter to fit in, but instead be who God made us to be, unique individuals with gifts and strengths the world deserves to see.

God Bless.

I tried to fit in for sometime, it left me competitive, anxious, and destroyed any relationships I had. I obsessed over the gym and the value I placed on the gym to make me as big as can be. My story available HERE. 


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