
The chemistry of fat is that of a carbon chain, up to 24, with Hydrogen attached. Saturated fats mean that all the Carbon elements are attached to each other with a single bond and the element is, "saturated" with Hydrogen. This is different than, mono, or poly unsaturated fats  in which, in one location (mono) there is a carbon to carbon double bond and a lack of hydrogen, or multiple areas, (poly) where this same thing occurs. Click Here for a whole bunch of info.

The difference in each of these chemical structures isn't the elements involved, but the amount and strength of bonds that are involved that makes the difference. Carbon, Hydrogen, Nitrogen, in their elemental forms are the basis for all organic material and are not poisonous. However, in the right concentration or combination, kill a human with ease. The carbon to carbon bond, when the valence electrons combine with the nearest carbon in a chain of them rather than a hydrogen, does a completely different thing in the body when this occurs. Such a notable difference in fact, that literature and rhetoric by the ton has arguments on this.
When we do enough of this...
Much like information these days, once saturated with varying opinions and "facts" (which has to be put in quotes) we too react differently. One must ask themselves that if our ancestors, even as recently as one generation back, were to have what we have at our fingertips, what would be different today? When I was a child, if I hadn't had to use encyclopedias to do my report on Maine and discover that it led manufacturing in toothpicks, or on the Angler fish, to understand its aphrodisiac, the light dangling in front, would I not have learned research (verb form) at all?

It's not about the ease in which information is found, or the amount of information available, or even the potentially faulty, easy-come-easy-go saturation of information, it is about the discipline behind the research. Sadly, I too am guilty of a Google search, a few clicks, a few articles, and am now an, "expert." When I can look for the more-reputable sources and quote what they say, but I cannot help but wonder if there is something lost here? Are we missing the bigger picture by way of feeding off of what is right in front of us, and no longer strengthening the discipline in looking.
We appreciate doing things like this. 
Is the information, the means to an end, really nothing of importance, for it is the journey, the hard work, that is the point? I do believe we were put on the earth to work. Outside of those who physically or mentally cannot (which varies by individual) this is our purpose for being here. I believe then that the "work" is the purpose, not the result. A result is nothing more than a conclusion, a resolve, a product, a reward; something nice sure, but the work is God's will for us, and He will provide the end.

When the, "work" is the purpose, but yet a culture starts to rely on the end result, the quicker and easier way to gain something lacking, what do we expect but a desire for even quicker and even more of that that result. If I can send a tweet, get 10,000 likes, an entire audience worth of admiration, then will I really strive to meet new people? If I can throw a pizza in the oven rather than hunt and scrape for my food, will I really appreciate the calories, or could I just want more of it, (easy come and easy go and all that).
Work might be the most satisfying thing you encounter today. 
The end result isn't being demonized here, for even working the fields like every other generation before the ones who read this now, had a result of some sort. The end result is great, and what a pleasurable feeling to earn something. It is when we overlook, under appreciate, or rather, discount the benefit of work entirely that we miss the point and start to implode on self. When a mind that was meant to do one thing, is put in an environment of ease, not requiring work, I believe it starts to produce its own mental anguish to produce its own work.

Work is noble, work is necessary, and in one way or another, it adds more to the solution than the solution does.

In creation of my my own anguish, Castle-Broken, When appearances are everything, is a memoir regarding my body image disorders and how I created my own obsessive lifestyle to find love. Click Here. Survival makes a man do funny things.

God Bless,


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