Hope's lost words.

It is the hopeless that need hope, for the optimists have it all figured out right? Like, would we listen to those who maintain a positive regard? Would we want a song about love, where everything worked out, the happy ending, the positive self getting all the stuff they ever wanted? Boring. That isn't worthy of our time. We need pain. We need to feel something and happiness is taken for granted.

Get in touch with your spirituality, the fact that life here is temporary and that there is only room for love, removes a lot of pain. Unfortunately, art without pain, without sacrifice, is shallow. Optimism, positivity, they are good for self-help books, but for the real sellers, we need to have us some discomfort.

There is hope in Jesus, he died for us after all. The original superhero, for no other Marvel Character did what he did, even in their fictional tales. We no longer live in the pain of death, we are now saved. Say that again using logic. It is as logical as the sun setting and rising, yet here we are willing to subject ourselves to the pain of thinking otherwise. Fear is a liar, and in death, maybe something can be learned, a wisdom only absence provides.

Christian music doesn't seem to quite get the popularity I feel it should. Here's my theory. It is full of hope, the ultimate hope that at our core, we are all fully aware of. Even those who disagree with God, get mad at him, or use his name with a damnit after wards, are admitting to his highness, his ultimate superiority. For even the Bible, which is the most sold, most popular, most relevant document of the history of the world, is full of hope. The entire premise, despite the pain at times, is the hope at the end, and I do mean the end, end times to be specific. Despite Jesus being a fact, God incarnate, who took on human form to die a horrific death, this music, no matter the sound, lacks the airplay of pop, secular music.

Sorry, secular, may be exactly what the devil would like here, to keep that music in the, "bad" category, when that was never my intent. My intent is to see, hear, feel life, and to truly feel what is inside, yes, even past the pain, is hope. At the inner-most parts of us, we experience a realization that life ends, pain ends, and it doesn't have to be only when we leave this earth, as in suicide, but can be while still here. We are all aware and have lived through painful emotions after all. Otherwise the diss back in elementary school that was embarrassing from a class hottie, would still be there today? Ridiculous.

No, the facts are that pain sells. Pain is entertaining, for it allows us to at the most base level relate to our worst times, maybe feeling validated in the process. Maybe not. Maybe the pop scene is all a conspiracy from the record companies telling us what to listen to, indicating trends in culture as the lost sheep follow anything.

Songs with hope, they are almost too obvious. They are almost too easy. It's like we want the complexity of drama, the story of hardship. We don't want a solution, even when we know to stop doing the behaviors that cause us pain, we continue on. Life's simplicities overlooked, taken for granted, minimized with hyper-stimulated entertainment sources available at our literal fingertips. Even the written word is nothing compared to the presentation of a lifestyle a Vlogger posts.

How dare you love. How dare you find peace. How dare you sacrifice for what you believe in. No, sometimes people just want pain, sometimes, we only claim love to then lose it and feel it's void. We are allowed to make life this complicated, and what an odd species we are for it. There is not a single creature on this planet that makes things as difficult as we do, and ironically many of the horrors implemented by man are due to our own attempts to make life this difficult thing, way more than it was initially intended to be, but that's on us.

Castle-Broken: When appearances are everything, because I took the human form, tried to create an improved version of the one God gave me, and in the end burned my wings off reaching that high. Click Here.

God Bless.


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