Group Mentality.

Never have I ever sat in my house, listening to the latest beats, raised my hands, and start jumping around the living room, repeating the words that I knew of the chorus. Never, have I felt the need to get intoxicated to the point of not remembering anything while sitting at my kitchen table, eating stale popcorn from the day before. Never have I contemplated breaking a guys face while laying in bed at night prior to sleep. Never have I done these things, for they are absurd.

Absurd only in context however. Absurd because there is nobody there. In all instances the thought never even crossed my mind to do any of those things, because by oneself, they make absolutely no sense. Even a few evenings in the early 20's I recall looking up to see myself reflected back from the mirrors on the dance floor of a local bar. I recall thinking, even in whatever state of mind I was in at the time, this is weird. Now, I can only imagine those same abrupt moves in my living room, sober, at 11AM, for those only my daughter gets to see.

We do these things, these things that in retrospect seemed so "off" at the time. Not good or bad necessarily, for we are all aware of what a change of environment does to our priorities, but yet, a 180 degree transition from conservative to liberal can only be brought about by what more-prestigious people refer to as, "Group Mentality." Unfortunately, at times, a group becomes too emotionally fueled and a "MOB" ensues.

Yes, that did elevate quickly. 
Every body's hands go up! Not just you, by yourself Larry. 
What is even more absurd, isn't the group or what the environment brings about, but when we stay to our selves within the context of a group. Imagine yourself, standing on a  dance floor at a wedding, doing the same thing you would at home. Or when you are at a concert surrounded by other, more enthusiastic people, silently bobbing your head, no movements, you'd get bowled over, or at least pushed to the back of general admission standing room only.

Yet, are we simply subject to the whims of the collective we surround our self with? If we are at the mercy of the group, who originated that group and who decided to escalate emotions and behaviors as a result? Was it the person who didn't bow to those around them and instead took a stand and followers jumped aboard? Is this really what we are subject to, either being a leader or a follower, never an observer?

I like to observe. I like to watch. Not in a passive, no stance sort of way, but because I like to see the different sides, dare I say it, listen. I indulge my greed, for it is the listening that provides more than when I do talk. I want to see all sides and keep my hands pinned down to observe. I like to be involved, just not in, "that" way, for I believe we are here to learn more than speak.
See ya later individuality!
Have I engaged in arguments when the emotions got the best of me? Sure. Have I danced on the floor while the alcohol flowed through my veins, making my worst decisions my best? Yup. Have I.... OK, I'll stop there, for I want you to come back.

We are all guilty of a "group" mindset, for we all want to belong. We all want to be a part of something, even if it means we give a little of ourselves away. This can be a healthy thing, for to stand outside too much then isolates and leads to other problems. However, what is important is that you don't conform to just any group of people, but surround yourself with like-minded people who are supportive of different opinions. Getting too caught up in any one side causes problems. Just like my elementary school self started crying at the end of a week-long summer camp, you don't have to do what everyone else is doing to fit in, maybe you were in the wrong group. By the way, I cried when I saw all the other kids getting hugs from the female high school counselors.

Sometimes the group does teach us something. ;)

Castle-Broken: When appearances are everything. Available on Amazon. I took on the beliefs of the environment I put myself in to. I took on what was referred to as a superior self, and I sacrificed everything in the process, including my own values. Click Here for the book.

God Bless.


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