Behaviors not Brownies

A box on the grocery store shelf, nothing special. Two dollars, an egg, and a cup of oil, and you’ve got yourself a snack made for a king. In fact, kings wouldn’t have had it this good when kings ruled the land. The heroes depicted in Game of Thrones don’t have a box of easy to mix, bake, and eat brownies, but yet, I do. I am not royalty, I am not famous, why should I have access to such a plethora of taste. My buds stimulated as a sugar glaze and the perfect ratio of fatty acids graces the tongue telling the brain how good I’ve been. As with all good boys, they are rewarded. My reward is a delicacy ready without much effort at all, and available to anyone.

No longer are delicacies measured by the time it takes to produce. Sure, purists can always argue that those ingredients are crap and that the authentic stuff is better. Nobody is disagreeing with that. However, to a poor person getting $100,000 one could say a million is better, but that hundred grand still looks pretty sweet (excuse the pun). The treats of yore are no longer treats, but snacks and there are no ends to snacks. Snacks are eaten by anyone, at any time. Like media and entertainment, there is never enough, and how dare you say, "no."

The mind’s dependence on food keeps us alive, for if the mind was not dependent, or even addicted, then we would die, no drive to consume, no energy to live. Instead, we sit and damn ourselves due to the dependence on food, “Why am I hungry?” as though we do not need this feeling any more, not when food looks so good and there is so much of it. Longing isn’t necessary when we are with our lover. Hunger isn’t necessary when we are eating. We are meant to drive, for to say a person is driven is a compliment. However, driven for what? Driven towards food, not good. Driven towards a career, considered good. Driven to eat when survival is absolutely necessary, is life. Driven to find water when there is none, again, survival.

We are meant to be addicts, we are meant to hunger, lust, feel good. We need these things to fulfill a body's requirements. Affection, food, water, they are our first needs. We need them every day until we die. We need air too, but without that we wouldn’t have much time to worry. Our needs are a benefit, they override the brain to survive and we will get to the destination. We will eat or we will die, literally. We will consume affection as though it is the last donut on the plate and no one is watching. We will figure out why we don’t get love, if we don’t have it. If we don’t have it for ourselves, we will blame our fat bodies for,

"I am pathetic, and why can I not control myself?" 

Self love, is the stuff of foundations. Not core building, for that is God, but the foundation to any external, necessary relationship. We have to love ourselves. We have to depend on us to know things will be OK no matter what other people do. We are not lovable when…, for exceptions to anything deems it weak. Don’t drive on the bridge on Sundays, it may collapse. Why would it not fall on any other day? Do not look in the mirror and, “settle” for your need to be this tall or this thin to ride the love train. We deem ourselves unworthy of the love we require. Instead, we try our best to find the love that is easy and readily available. Well, at least the bandaid that covers the raw pain of absent love. When we try to eat our feelings instead of cope with them. When we drink versus feel pain. When we do drugs rather than strive for anything real.

No external substance will fulfill the longing of affection. Candy will suffice as calories, though it has no nutrients. Drugs will suffice for boredom or lack of adequate self or lack of intimacy yet passes without fulfillment. Food of the stimulating type is exactly what it is sold to be, there is no deceit in snacking or considering it entertainment. For the nutrient requirements of the body are relatively full, but the brain wants more, needs something it craves. We can only put so many triangle pegs in the square whole as though they will work. They never do what the actual intended foods do.

Love conquers all, and love is what we all need, yet it is the thing we find most negotiating with. Love is not replaceable, only the authentic will do. The brownies are entertainment, not love, no matter how stimulating they appear to the brain. No matter the negative, cheap, overzealous bashing of a brown and red box promising happiness, you and I both know what that box is capable of and this time we convince ourselves it is all we need.

No more damning the self for craving, for it is natural and survival to do so. Instead alter the perspective on what the craving is truly for. Are you lonely, disgruntled, traumatized, stressed, sick, angry, tired? If so, then the remedy is not always found in what you do or don’t eat, but in the intent of eating. Food only satisfies hunger, to suit any other need is unhealthy and will result in problems. Real is demanded, like a protest in the brain. The void grows deeper, the host grows weary.

My previous body image disorder separated me from the person I was meant to be. Distracted me from growing, prevented me from loving myself and therefore loving anyone else. Click HERE, for the book.

God Bless.


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