Pay Day.
The allotment given at the end of a two week’s work cannot possibly sum up that which has already passed. After all, the time is done, passed, spent like a few dollars on something to drink, no matter if I spill the thing. There is this lingering promise that exists from an employer and my bank account, for maybe they are both in on some kind of conspiracy. Maybe the bank is also in cahoots with the gas, electric, and insurance companies as well. What if there is no money being traded, the electronic, “transfers” are nothing more than to appease me, when between the large conglomerates they exchange my time. The insurance company for my vehicle alone gets most of my Monday, Tuesday goes towards the cable bill and the grocery store. Wednesday, well that one is dedicated to day care, along with a little bit of Thursday. Then the glorious Friday where the value of hours past 3PM should be double, well, that one I reserve for a personal purchase or two, some kind of incentive to keep me motivated.
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Hey, good job son, here's your allowance. |
The time is the currency and yet during that time I could sit here or I could be active and yet the time is still the time and just as valuable to the company, per my pay slip, as is any other hour, any other day. The pay, the giving of resources, allowing a family to live, the power that a job holds over the head of its employees, this is the REAL reason we are here most days. Well, the reason I am there at 8AM and not 9AM and stay until 5:30PM and not 3PM. Even for those of us who like the work, we still dread certain parts. There is always some paperwork, some meeting, some time obligation where we can admit we would rather not, If we had the choice that is.
But no, we continue to show up, continue to attend the meetings, complete the paperwork nobody reads, and continue to attend office-work parties, all for the obligation and maybe someday we will be rewarded with more responsibility, and a little more pay. There is something to be said about the more responsibility, for people hold this as valuable, even if the pay doesn’t change, even if nothing outside of work gets improved by either the work done here or the resources given, for in these instances, the value is not money, but in feeling, valuable. After all, why would sitting on a chair staring at a wall all day, even if it paid six figures be a living hell? Because there is no value, no responsibility, no stressors outside of what you are going to buy with your large pay check. However, nobody has offered me that job yet, because I have a tendency to make my own stress, develop a reason to worry that I might not even be sitting well enough, but that’s just me.
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Sitting at work like... |
The reminder of a payday fast approaching brings with it a sense of relief for many, joy for some, and a reminder to all the bills one must pay to stay alive, stay functioning, or worse, keeping up with those Jones neighbors. The pay, what it is, what it represents, isn't what is important, the value in the work done is. The monetary value of an hour of work, not accurate in most cases and quite honestly might be one of the reasons people either do more or less based on the recognition from the employer of the value of your precious time on earth. Obviously, if you see my value as high and therefore I get a raise, then I appreciate the sentiment probably more than the money. If you do not see my time as valuable, yet I get to somehow stay employed, then that decreases my desire to be of any value to you. Money has a way of talking, it is a resource that is supposed to say a lot about a person. The problem lies in what we allow the amount of money a person has as a definition of their value to other people. In most cases, the ones that have significantly less, also have less to lose and are able to take more risks, therefore giving freedom to give. Yet, a person who makes more money might be less likely due to their high value hour, one that donating is not worth it.
Pay is not what we are, what we are is the pay.
God bless.
More insight from me, or if you know anyone struggling in a body image disorder that wants more insight and recommendations, Castle-Broken, when appearances are everything, Available HERE.
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