
The last drink has been drunk. The final call has been made. The work day is over. The dessert bowl has been all scooped, and re-scooped, and there is simply, no more left. What happens when it's all gone? Well, "it" as we use it, has to be defined, which for each of us, could really be anything. IT could be pleasurable, IT could be an achievement, IT could be love, IT could be hate, IT could be pain, IT really could be anything we give it power to be, but IT will come to an end, for anything as we know it to be, will cease to be. 

Like a blank piece of paper after all the work initially torn away, discarded,
a part of ourselves, never to be seen again, however, built on, better. 
A sad and disgruntling thought as I ponder what I can then rely on. Can I rely on my daughter, no, for she will either grow and move on as I want her to, or she will suffer from the debilitating effects of the conclusion of the human condition, the diagnosis we all must face. Can I rely on my wife, for she is my worldy rock, not only can I not trust on her for eternity, without end, but I cannot guarantee she hasn’t already decided to leave this commitment as I write these words. Can I depend on food or sex or attention, no, for even youth slips through like water from a bucket, there always seems be plenty, until there isn’t. 

Family, friends, materials, jobs, achievements, positive attitude, some of the most existential things that man can comprehend, all to pass away with nothing left, nothing relevant to show for the time except, well, nothing, for even memories die with their hosts and ideas become convoluted through time’s interpretation. What we have here is nothing to start, for God made us from nothing, and we leave with nothing, as well as take anything from here with us. 

Take the camera lens, zoom it back into the bowl of ice cream on the counter, being prepared for consumption. Look at the now toppings, the bowl, the spoon shoved in the middle to pull out that first, perfectly distributed, textured, topping-enriched bite. This is the beginning, for there is so much hope here, so much anticipation, so much world, only to come to an inevitable end, a realization all the while as we crutch on top of our desserts, our pleasures, as being a concrete pillar in our lives. 

Everything passes, there is someday going to be nothing left, for even anticipation has to have an end, a met thing that time brings about, something we mustn’t forget, has to end, otherwise there would be no beginning, or no thing, and therefore nothing. The ice cream has to end for at the least other creams to be enjoyed. Life has to end for it to have meaning. People have to come and go in our life as they choose, otherwise we would merely be people existing, no appreciation, no sacrifice, no value in the time. 

Yes, the bowl of dessert has to end, the beverage consumed, the people we love die. Why, besides the fact that they HAVE to? Well, without an ending there can be no beginning, or even anticipation for a beginning, therefore there would be nothing, nothing at all.

A simple reminder to be, here now, yet, invest in the inevitable future of yourselves. Find what is deeper than things that pass. This could be what is missing to enhance the here and now, this could be the one overlooked aspect that was missed for a fight is what you sought.

Also, the food will never "save you," it merely distracts, so go ahead and start to see the reality behind that, just saying. 

More of my writing, HERE. It is a book about Bigorexia, Muscle Dysmorphia, a body image disorder in men, which at the least is fascinating, but at its core, debilitating.


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