For something to make sense, the mind has to adapt it in its own way, interpret it in some absorbable form that makes sense. To think of a concept like water and ground above and sky below for instance, doesn’t make sense, however a manipulated, drugged, or altered state of conscious can start to question or alter what was once concrete rules of consciousness, a very Inception-driven concept. Just like depression and anxiety, the two most common mental health diagnosis, impact their hosts; like roots of a plant reaching out growing towards the source altering states in the process.
Suicide, to a non-accepting person, is ridiculous and against all understanding, for the most logical of thoughts says that by dying there can be no solution to the actual problem, you are side-stepping only to end all, the positives with it. The thought of killing someone else, in a rational state of mine, again, psychotic, or requiring extreme stress to ensue, but we are all aware of the very real possibility of it happening. The thought of overeating, typically indulged without a plan to do so, again, makes no sense to the ones who are able to eat, just a little, and walk away. To everyone else, we all have our own things that we make sense of only to hear someone else’s opinion on and realize that ours is a different one, but most importantly, most insidiously, makes sense to us.
Focusing on mental health as not just the symptoms present, but the way they affect behaviors are less apparent in the sufferer than to those close enough to notice behaviors and hopefully have enough confidence to report them back. It can be difficult to challenge an already negative person with, “Dang dude, you’re negative,” or with a person who is sad and contemplating suicide telling them, “You might be depressed.” The reporting isn’t for any other reason than to let the person know that what they are thinking or feeling as normal, is not as normal as they think, and things can get better.
The hope that can come about is not of the world changing, or that those problems you thought were the CAUSE of emotion go away, but that you are better at dealing with them. Take any situation and notice the successful person that lies underneath, the one not making the big stink about unfair situations or complaining about how that person is rude, or work sucks, or what are we all really doing here anyway, edging closer to our death. These things are not going to be any less true, but how you see them, interpret them, use them to fuel rather than smother your desires can improve, with addressing the underlying imbalance driving the disruptive behavior.
The open vastness of the mind has no safety net, has no limits, you are only as good as you hold yourself up to be, an assured self, surrounded by swirls of shapes, abstracts images the mind determines their value and investment. For it is this realization, that we, as we know it, are just as capable of destruction as we are of production. If both take effort, then the only determining factors as to why we choose good overall, and even bad is in recognition of the good that “should have” existed, is that we are made from all that is good. This sense of goodness is so common that we overlook the safety of the good world and trial through the plunder of possibilities the vast-open spaces of the mind can conceive, but again, proving that the only way this thinking is possible, the only way reaching out and grabbing something “extra” is due to the safety of the inherent goodness we all recognize and feel at our most base levels. Without this, there is nothing but a random chaotic response to any stimuli, neither consistent nor inconsistent, as unpredictable as dropping a bag of marbles only to attempt to assume where they are all going to land.
When we have none left for ourselves, when the drain water has left the tub, there is nothing left to give, nothing left to use ether. WE are left to sit, naked in the tub, shivering, soap in our eyes, dirt resides underneath the fingernails, the towel out of reach, the vulnerability factors exposed, simply, stuck. The lights are off, we are alone, for this we can manage, but others are coming, waiting, lingering, right outside the door as we have nothing for them, there is only us, exposed, for we will not due. We have nothing left to give you, for we have to get ourselves out first, dealing with this fear, dealing with, this, inadequacy.
There is again no tidying up on this, a relentless pursuit of understanding, coping, giving, and loving the best we all can. For my full story of issues dealing specifically with body image, click HERE.
God Bless.
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