Room Temperature.

A common feeling among those with temperate climates. Inside that is. For those without the luxury of climate controlled indoors, that is merely temperature. Room temperature has another ring to it. A sense of commonality that all people who posses it can attest to. The degrees are around 70 in Fahrenheit, a not-too-cool, not-too-warm feel. A climate softer cheeses are ideal at, and meats are measured to spoil. If the temperature is much above the "room," then bacteria is therefore allowed to breakdown and make food rancid. The cooler, the slower the process.

The room has nothing to do with it. The conditions contained within that room, walls and glass, with a floor and a ceiling, for if even one of those elements are missing, then the entire concept a bust. The temperature at one end of the room has to be the same at the other end, for it is the entire, "room's" temperature. 

What is it about cliche phrases such as this one that people can relate to? How are we all able to recollect a feeling of our own individual rooms and summarize similar to everyone else? It's like everything tasting like chicken, or vanilla being vanilla or chocolate being chocolate. These words are all mere descriptions of an assumed, similar sensation. 

Why must we go through life assuming anything? Does it benefit more than harm to assume? Are we more correct than wrong in our assumptions? Are our judgments and stereotypes correct no matter how convoluted? After all, do we not get these ideas from somewhere and wouldn't they have to be right at some point to keep them going? Like Pavlov's dog who salivated when the bell rang, we see something that we feel should meet our agenda and we put it there, like a comfortable fit. If the room is too cool, though it is still the room's temperature, it is not in fact "room temperature." Our agendas affect what we are seeing, how we see it, and how comfortable we are with it. 

The weak-minded people seem to experience more discomfort than a stronger-willed person with more self-esteem. The weaker having problems with those who go against what they think is right or wrong and unable to accept this without fight. Even through force people want to alter situations and change others, so they can stay in control, to keep their agendas on point. A desire for people not to do what they want, free-will, but as the meek want them to. This is why He is God and we are mere children pretending. 
In our play we are to do noble work, represent reality the best we can, though some want an alternative to their reality. A fantasy where everyone does and agrees with what they want. A storybook tale more distant from reality than the pages of a children's story. Even in those stories there is disagreement, there is compassion, there is understanding. If there wasn't, there would be no hero, just people living in a dreadful state of single-mindedness. Nobody likes to be bored, but if we all lived in the fantasy world some of us would like, then the world would not need computers for we would all be nothing better than a machine itself. Why would I want to see someone's Facebook profile if everything is the same? 

No, my room temperature, my agenda, the things I enjoy fitting any sort of cookie-cutter expectation isn't in this reality. The reason is because I too am along for the journey and God himself has allowed me to do as I wish. What I wish is to see others with their differences. Rooms that are different temperatures, and colors, and shapes and sizes. I want rooms that look little on the outside but spacious on the inside. I want people to be like their rooms, unique to them, not all the same temperature. I believe the sooner people acknowledge that every person has a right to do as they see fit, then much of the angst to control goes away along with many other insidious side effects. 

Self-hate is a giant waste as well. Just as much as God made the world, he made man in his own image. My memoir is for the benefit of those who struggle in their own audacious expectations. Click Here. 


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