
On a September day in 1985, a joker was born. A humorous attempt at being liked, not to serve others with his humor, however to receive their admiration for it. 

  1. a professional joker or “fool” at a medieval court, typically wearing a cap with bells on it and carrying a mock scepter.
    synonyms:fool, court fool, court jester, clownharlequinpantaloonMore
    • a person who habitually plays the fool.

      It is the intent of man to which we can measure their success. If a man wants to be rich to hoard riches, then that is who he is. If a man's wants a business to grow a business and provide for many employees in a work environment he influences, then that is who HE is. A person who makes themselves a fool for another to laugh, noble. Where as I, at my most-selfish, most ignorant to the needs of those around me, wanted you to laugh at me, for that showed you noticed, showed you thought of me.




      Isn't that the biggest problem here? The fact that the most virtuous of behaviors a self-sacrifice, has been lost, misinterpreted in the capitalist perspective that is America? Capitalism itself isn't the corruption people want it to be, even Scarface said, "You want me to be the bad guy..."

      People want to blame someone for wrongs, whether it is the culture, the "greedy" pharmaceutical companies, the food industry, for which I too have been guilty of demonizing, only to take a higher look, and realize that it is, us, our individual desires and self-centered ways that have made this environment what it is. We want to look outward and see what everyone, Justice Kavanaugh or Dr. Ford, or President Trump, or Kim Kardashian has done, but, guys, we put them there.

      Not my president, #metoo. 

      The jester we all laughed at, has now become in charge because we gave him so much admiration. We felt the need to give them the power based on our complacency and our own inability to regulate, and discipline ourselves. If not us directly, then the sins of the father, or mother, and we were raised to sit back, laugh, stay comfortable and go along with the juggling jokes of the bells and whistles of the jester, only to be taken back, appalled, that they now have the power they do.

      To proclaim is to announce officially or publicly.

      The words we are all saying, the principals in which life is built on has never changed. Nothing is new. This is regurgitated over and over. The problem is we convince ourselves this is all new. The jester with the intent to hold power to influence others, has done just what a motive and determination and sacrifice has always done, moved up, been announced as influential and it is those complacent viewers who are now upset because nature did what nature does.

      It is in a dogs nature to bite, it is in man's nature to sin, for all have sinned. When a proclamation or presented information already in existence is stated, then we are not being informed, as much as reminded, not the specifics, but the principals. It is through our own complacency and distraction and self-desire that the shift of culture has done what it has done. It takes sacrifice to alter the course, however, this is where the observers of the jester are unwilling to stand up and question motives, and continue to eat what is fed. To sacrifice is to give up our comforts, finances, things that this world, the Western World, wants so much to promote. We are our own jesters now. We are the fools being laughed at as we stand, shout, pout, but unwilling to do what was asked of man since Jesus's resurrection, love thy neighbor.

      Castle-Broken: When appearances are everything. Shoot, if you read this far, at least check out a sample of the book, available Here. It's about male body image disorders and distracted, self-obsessed behaviors, similar to this content in nature, but different topic.

      God Bless.


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